Back Researchers from UPF ran a three-day Science of Learning workshop for educators in Portugal

Researchers from UPF ran a three-day Science of Learning workshop for educators in Portugal

Marc Beardsley and Judit Martínez from the ICT Department at UPF led a teach-the-teacher workshop on the Science of Learning in Matosinhos, Portugal.


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In early June, researchers from the TIDE Research Group of Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education led a three-day teach-the-teacher workshop on the Science of Learning and Learning Design for educators from Spain, Finland, Portugal, and Greece. In total, 13 educators participated in the workshop that was held in Matosinhos, Portugal at Scholé, a local primary school. Workshop participants included school education teachers, higher education teachers, and educational researchers with almost half of the participants having more than 15 years of teaching experience.

The teach-the-teacher workshop was part of an Erasmus+ Project IlluminatED (2017-1-ES01-KA201-038220) which is coordinated by the TIDE research group. The goal of the workshop was to prepare educators to deliver two continuing professional development sessions for teachers that were developed in the Illuminated project. The first session is ‘A Science of Learning Primer for Educators’ and the second ‘Designing Learning with the Science of Learning.’

The three-day session was led by Marc Beardsley and involved contributions from Judit Martínez (TIDE), Ana Silveira (Advancis), Mari Tervaniemi (University of Helsinki) and Tanja Linnavalli (University of Helsinki). Further, members of the UPF community also attended the workshop as participants – Laia Albó a TIDE researcher, Marcel Ruiz a GRECS researcher, and Lydia Casanova an undergraduate student from the School of Engineering. A second teach-the-teacher workshop will be held in April 2020 at UPF.

Educators and researchers interested in attending can contact TIDE for further information: [email protected].