Back UPF is one of the major players in the Catalan R&D&I ecosystem in artificial intelligence

UPF is one of the major players in the Catalan R&D&I ecosystem in artificial intelligence

According to a report drawn up by the Directorate-General for Economic Promotion, Competition and Regulation (Ministry of the Vice-presidency and of the Economy and Finance) of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia in collaboration with the firm SIRIS Academic.


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Pompeu Fabra University comes third among Catalan bodies doing research and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence, according to the report “Analysis of the specialization in artificial intelligence in Catalonia”, drafted by the Catalan Government and presented on 2 March last. The report shows the main players doing research and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence, the relative position of Catalonia and how artificial intelligence contributes to addressing the challenges faced by society and industry.

This information can be found on the AI mapping platform for Catalonia (RIS3-MCAT Platform), an interactive website that allows exploring the AI projects funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme and with RIS3CAT in Catalonia and the cooperation networks of the Catalan bodies.

It should be stressed that a significant proportion of the UPF projects mentioned in the report have been led by researchers from the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) and are internationally oriented, as shown by its participation in European research projects. To date, the DTIC has participated in 67 projects funded by the H2020 programme, with a total budget of 30 million euros (project details can be found here).

Some of the projects are: RLeap - From Data-based to Model-based AI: Representation Learning for Planning (H2020-ERC Advanced Grant project), WELCOME - Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU (H2020-Societal Challenges, collaborative project coordinated by UPF-DTIC), SAUCE - Smart Assets for re-Use in Creative Environments (H2020-Industrial Leadership- ICT, collaborative project focusing on the creative industries, and coordinated by UPF-DTIC).

The report has been drawn up by the Directorate-General for Economic Promotion, Competition and Regulation (Ministry of the Vice-presidency and of the Economy and Finance) of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia in collaboration with the firm SIRIS Academic.


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