Per què són importants els Arxius de Gianni Vattimo?
El genoma com a mapa de la història del poble Romaní
“We try to analyse brain signals by computer and greatly simplify research into the focus of epilepsy”
Sergi Jordà: “We will see radical changes, both in the way we create and consume music, due to artificial intelligence”
"Computers let us digitalise the paintbrush; thanks to AI, with KREA you interact directly with a painter"
Catherine Pelachaud: “Virtual agents can be used to collect information on patients or users, which can be useful to the professionals”
“What must be asked of economists is to know how to react when we encounter problems”
Mike Sharples: “We have to help students with technology, not against technology”
When the orchestra stops playing: researching the key elements concerning cancer development
"EUTOPIA has allowed me to internationalise my PhD project between Barcelona, Venice, Gothenburg and Ljubljana and to discover new research directions"
“We need to focus more on the vector of knowledge transfer and have a positive impact on society”
“Without dialogue between all parties and without empathy, major transformations cannot be achieved”
“Cancer, in reality, is more than 300 different diseases with a common feature. There will never be a single cure”
“There are only three ways to avoid dependence on gas and fossil fuels and future crises like this one: renewables, renewables and more renewables”
Passion is important for science, you should choose a topic that really fascinates you
“I wanted to explain research in a way that was understandable for all and to do so in a language in which I am not totally proficient, Catalan”
Click is a tool that helps people with impaired mobility and sensory disabilities to connect with the world
“The enormous research capacity that exists in each and every one of the University’s academic fields is channelled increasingly better”
“We need to take action, and we need to take action now: stop any new development of fossil fuels”
“Xenotransplants can help solve the lack of organs for transplants, one of the most serious medical problems”
“This year we will launch an ambitious action plan concerning the use of Catalan at UPF”
"One of the frequent stigmas of the Raval is that you will end up working in the family shop, but I myself am proof that it doesn't have to be like that"
“Patients benefit from Big Data research, and our research must learn from the patient"
“Els pacients es beneficien de la recerca amb Big Data, i la nostra recerca ha d'aprendre del pacient”
“If women in Afghanistan shout once, here we must shout ten times”
“What we need are clear rules and separation between regulation and business”
“At the end of the day, all presentations tell a story, so storytelling techniques are an important part”
“The health of the individual and human development cannot be subject only to a scientific progress and frenzied marketing"
“UPF’s collaboration has given us light at times when there was no light anywhere”
MASKIN: high-tech transparent face masks #madeinpompeu
“They don’t write what 20-year-olds want to read any more”
“In the Hormonic project, we address a complex problem by combining electronics and synthetic biology”
“The growth of MyRealFood demonstrates that there was a real need for a tool to inform consumers and help them lead a healthier lifestyle”
“T-Cor seeks to democratize access to the early detection of heart attack”
“In a science career you often need luck, but if you put in a lot of time and effort, you are sure to find it”
Hajar El Hawari: "being a member of an NGO allows you to implement many of the things we study on the degree. It’s a crash master’s degree course!"
“Sometimes, the only way that research will be useful to society is to transfer it to industry”
“Once you understand the causes of a conflict, you accept the situations that arise from it better”
"Qui és la meva mare avui en dia? Segur que la nostra mare, la que ens va parir, és l’única que ens fa de mare avui en dia?"
“Integrating a culture of 'less is more' is very difficult for Western society”
“Global poverty it is not a natural feature of the world but rather an artifact of policy"
"It is important to bring scientists closer to other people and to find a common language"
"Climate change and environmental degradation cannot be treated separate from issues related to inequalities”
“Entrepreneurship is wonderful. Conditioning ourselves during a creative process –far from making barriers- often stimulates”
“We want to create opportunities in countries such as Mali and Uganda and this can’t be done if rights such as health and education are not guaranteed”
“From research we contribute to the University’s social function”
“Less than 10% of fashion is sold over the Internet; there’s still a long way to go”
“Hem adquirit una visió més global sobre com és el dia a dia en un projecte de recerca”
“For a presentation to be effective it must be very clear and above all must put something across... passion, desire, enthusiasm”
"The research we do at DCEXS is increasingly multidisciplinary"