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Study on Precarious Work and Social Rights

Study on Precarious Work and Social Rights
2011-2012 - Ref: VT/2010/084

The project "Study on Precarious Work and Social Rights", which has been developed between 2011 and 2012, has been financed by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities), coordinated by the Working Lives Research Institute (London Metropolitan University), with the participation of legal and industrial relations experts from 12 EU countries (see the final report of the project in pdf)

IP and researchers:

IP: Sonia McKay, Steve Jefferys, Anna Paraksevopoulou, Janoj Keles 


Members of greDTiSS who have taken part in the project:  

Julia López (Cientific Comitee of legal experts - Expert for Spain); Alexandre de le Court, Sergio Canalda and Eusebi Colàs-Neila 

Financed by the European Commission - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG (VT/2010/084)