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Hacia una nueva regulación de la prueba pericial

Hacia una nueva regulación de la prueba pericial
DR 2016-75495-P

The first twenty years of application of the complex regulation of expert evidence gave rise to a multitude of practical problems of all kinds. In order to analyze them in depth, and offer practical solutions to them -with a final proposal for legislative modification- the present R&D project entitled "Towards a new configuration of expert evidence" was formulated, which was finally approved by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the number DER2016-7549-P.

To detect the real problems of the expert evidence, 24 internal debate seminars were held with the participation of all the project researchers and the members of the work team. In addition, in order to debate the problems detected, 4 congresses (two national and two international) were held, directed by the IP of this project, in which the researchers of the same took part and, in all of them, more than 200 participants attended, which that demonstrates its full scientific interest: the "II International Congress of Expert Evidence" (November 26 and 27, 2020); the “I International Congress of Expert Evidence” (November 23 and 24, 2017); the "IV National Congress on Judicial Evidence: evidence in action" (November 28 and 29, 2019); and the “III National Congress on Judicial Evidence: evidence in family proceedings” (November 22 and 23, 2018).

The result of all this research is the publication of 6 monographs in publishers of recognized prestige; 23 articles in indexed journals, and 17 book chapters; as well as the presentation of 18 papers and communications in national and international congresses. Special relevance deserves the invited General Presentation of the IP of this project entitled "Problems regarding with the new types of evidence", presented at the World Congress of Procedural Law of the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) held in Japan (and published with the title "The New Challenges of Evidence Law in the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in “Technology, the Global Economy and other New Challenges for Civil Justice", Intersentia, Cambridge, 2020, pp. 477-519)

Similarly, 5 doctoral theses have been defended (two of them with "international mention").

Thanks to this project, it has been possible to carry out numerous research stays in centers of recognized international prestige and, in particular, those carried out by various project researchers at the Faculty of Law of Oxford University in 2019 should be highlighted.

Lastly, with this project it has been possible to formulate and publish almost a hundred normative proposals to improve the current regulation of expert evidence (published in "Expert evidence under debate. Proposals of lege ferenda", dir. Joan Picó, J Mª Bosch, Barcelona, ​​2020, pp 277 to 439).

Likewise, new research alliances have been created with prestigious foreign universities, such as Stanford University (USA), Hiroshima University (Japan) and the Università di Genova (Italy).

Principal researchers

Joan Picó Junoy


Ramon Escaler Bascompte
Abel Lluch, Xavier Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Adan Domènech, Federico Universitat Rovira i Virgili Investigador 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Alonso Cuevillas, Jaime Universitat de Barcelona Investigador 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Cerrato Guri, Elisabet Universitat Rovira i Virgili Investigador 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
De Miranda Vazquez, Carlos Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Investigador 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Delgado Martin, Joaquin Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Dondi, Angelo Universita di Genova Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Fons Rodriguez, Carolina Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Guimeraes, Darci Universidad de Vale doRio dos Sinos Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019
Herrera Petrus, Christian Doctor Equip de Treball 01/01/2018 29/12/2019

Amount Awarded: 41.419,80 €

AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN. Plan Estatal de Fomento de la investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia (2013-2016).