Lopez Bofill, Hector
Hèctor López Bofill (Badalona, 1973) is an associate professor of Constitutional Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He has written ten books and over thirty articles on state theory and constitutional theory, constitutional jurisdiction, fundamental rights, and European integration law. He dedicated his doctoral thesis to the study Decisiones interpretativas en el control de constitucionalidad de la ley, a work that was published in 2004 by Tirant lo Blanch and, in an extended version, in 2016 in the Constitutional Procedural Law collection by Porrúa. Currently, his main line of research is the theory of constituent power, on which he has published a book: Law, Violence, and Constituent Power. The Law, Politics and History of Constitution Making. London and New York, Routledge, 2021. Another of his areas of interest is the history of constitutional law, on which he teaches a course in the Master’s program in Global Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and which he is developing in an upcoming study: The Foundations of Constitutional Law.