Hola, i benvinguts. 
(Hello, and welcome.) 

I am a Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, the head of the Wireless & Secure Communications Group, an ICREA Academia awardee, and the holder of the Fractus-UPF Chair on 6G and Tech Transfer.

I received my Ph.D. in 1998 from Stanford University. Between 1999 and 2008, I was with Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies, now Nokia) in Holmdel, USA. Between 2005 and 2008, I was also an Adj. Associate Professor at Columbia University.

I am an IEEE Fellow, a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE, and the Scientific Director of the "Maria de Maeztu" Unit of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies.

If you're interested in 5G wireless networks, check out the papers What Will 5G Be? and Five disruptive technology directions for 5G. The former is among the five most cited articles across all IEEE Communications Society publications, ever. And, for a thought-provoking conversation on 5G and 6G, check out this episode of the Wireless Future podcast where I am hosted by Emil Bjornson and Erik Larsson.

Applications are welcome for pre- and postdoctoral positions.


My research and teaching over the last couple of decades is best summarized by the textbook Foundations of MIMO Communication, coauthored with my colleague Robert W. Heath Jr. from North Carolina State University.