Back D-TIPS, a design thinking project for primary school teachers

D-TIPS, a design thinking project for primary school teachers

Organized by the TIDE research group, which specializes in Technology and Education, on 25 and 26 November the kick-off meeting of the D-TIPS project was held on the Poblenou campus, a European Commission Erasmus+ project coordinated by UPF which is scheduled to last until August 2022.


Imatge inicial - Members of the Consortium of the Erasmus+ D-TIPS project

The development of skills such as critical thinking, reflection, self-regulation and collaboration is high on the agenda of all schools. Promoting the development of these skills in children can help to mitigate major challenges in today’s society. Teachers are a key resource to undertake this task and the European priority is to upgrade their educational practices and provide them with learning opportunities throughout their professional careers.

Organized by the TIDE research group, which specializes in Technology and Education, at the Department Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC), on 25 and 26 November on the Poblenou campus the kick-off meeting of the D-TIPS project was held, a European Commission Erasmus+ project coordinated by UPF, which is scheduled to last until August 2022. The consortium includes partners from different European countries: Spain, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands and Lithuania, with associate partners from Romania and France, thus ensuring the integration of different aspects of the different education systems of each country.

D-TIPS Design Thinking in Primary School will focus on designing a pedagogical toolbox and disseminating a methodology developed specifically for primary school teachers

Teachers will receive training and practice in design thinking, the practice of critical thinking and co-creation, and will have the opportunity to get in touch with project participants in order to continually upgrade their knowledge and improve their newly acquired skills.

D-TIPS Design Thinking in Primary School will focus on designing a pedagogical toolbox and disseminating a methodology developed specifically for primary school teachers. The D-TIPS toolbox will be highly geared towards teaching and training. It will provide teachers with basic knowledge of the principles of design thinking as well as skills-based teaching.

Teachers participating in the project will have online support that will help facilitate the creation of design thinking learning activities. The project will also build and develop a transnational community of teachers with similar interests so they can share best practices, understanding and professional experience.

Design thinking, a methodology that fosters the critical spirit through collaboration

The D-TIPS project follows design thinking methodology. This methodology seeks not only to solve problems but is also a practice of rethinking problems, a practice of critical thinking and of co-creation: “we do not design "for” but design "for and with” teachers and children”. It is also a method of continuous improvement, a way of imagining the future that includes emotional intelligence in processes.

The project will seek the involvement of local teachers and will be disseminated internationally

In the course of the project that has just started, four parallel events are to be organized in Spain, Belgium, Lithuania and Romania, with the goal of engaging local teachers. The final event will be hosted physically in Spain but will be broadcast online and the final results will be disseminated internationally. Is expected to reach at least 10,000 educators (including teachers, managers, trainers and policy makers) in the course of the project.

Reference project:

D-TIPS: Design Thinking in Primary School. 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064651

Consortium: Spain, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands and Lithuania

Duration: From 01-09-2019 to 31-08-2022

European Union grant: 225,655 euros

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education