************************************************************************************************ Replication do-file for: Verge, Tania & Sílvia Claveria (2016). "Gendered political resources: The case of party office". Party Politics, online first August 16th, DOI: 10.1177/1354068816663040. ************************************************************************************************ ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Data source: CCS (2014) Comparative Candidates Survey Module I, 2005-2012 [Dataset cumulative file]. Distributed by FORS, Lausanne, 2014. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Variables used: Elected recent: *A4b1. Elected in the most recent national election: Yes/No ELECTED RECENT INCLUDES 12 COUNTRIES (T1) FOR WHICH PARTY OFFICE DATA IS RECORDED: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland Incumbent: A4b2. Elected in the second most recent national election: Yes/No Party office (at any level)) A8a. How many years local party office: Yes/No A8b. How many years regional party office: Yes/No A8c. How many years national party office: Yes/No Length of party office (at any level) A8a. How many years local party office A8b. How many years regional party office A8c. How many years national party office A12. Number of hours devoted to party activities in an average month Sex: E1. Gender Age: E2. Year of birth Educational level: E6a. Level of education (1=Incomplete primary; 2=Primary completed; 3=Incomplete secondary; 4=Secondary completed; 5=Post secondary trade/vocational school; 6=University incomplete; 7=University completed) ****RECODE VD**** (candidates / gender=E1) gen sex=E1 recode sex (1=0) (2=1) (else=.) gen elected_recent=A4b1 recode elected_recent (1=1)(2=0)(else=.) gen candidate_recent=A4a1 recode candidate_recent (1=1)(2=0)(else=.) gen incumbent=A4b2 recode incumbent (1=1)(2=0)(else=.) ****RECODE VI**** gen localoffice=A8a recode localoffice (-1 99 =.) gen localoffice_dic=localoffice recode localoffice_dic (0=0) (1/55=1)(else=.) gen regoffice=A8b recode regoffice (-1 99 =.) gen regoffice_dic=regoffice recode regoffice_dic (0=0) (1/98=1)(else=.) gen natloffice=A8c recode natloffice (-1 99 =.) gen natloffice_dic=natloffice recode natloffice_dic (0=0) (1/98=1)(else=.) gen anyoffice=localoffice_dic==1 | regoffice_dic==1 | natloffice_dic==1 replace anyoffice=. if localoffice_dic==. & regoffice_dic==. & natloffice_dic==. gen hoursparty=A12 recode hoursparty (-1 999 =.) gen edulevel=E6a recode edulevel (-1 9 =.) gen child_under5=E12a recode child_under5(1=0) (2=1) (3=1) (4=1) (5=1)(else=.) gen child1=E12a recode child1(1=0) (2=1) (3=2) (4=3) (5=4) (else=.) gen age=2015-E2 replace age=. if age>94 gen log_hoursparty= ln(1+hoursparty) egen lenghtpo=rowtotal(A8*) gen log_lenghtpo=ln(1+lenghtpo) ********************************************************************************* TABLE 2. THE DETERMINANTS OF VIABLE CANDIDACY (I) (ANYOFFICE) & FIGURE 1A ********************************************************************************* logit elected_recent sex anyoffice incumbent, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent i.anyoffice##i.sex incumbent, cluster (T1) tab T1 if e(sample) logit elected_recent i.anyoffice##i.sex log_hoursparty incumbent, cluster (T1) gen anysex=anyoffice*sex logit elected_recent anyoffice sex anysex log_hoursparty incumbent, cluster (T1) lincom anyoffice+anysex logit elected_recent anyoffice c.log_hoursparty##i.sex incumbent, cluster (T1) gen hourssex=log_hoursparty*sex logit elected_recent anyoffice sex hourssex log_hoursparty incumbent, cluster (T1) lincom log_hoursparty+hourssex logit elected_recent i.anyoffice##i.sex incumbent c.log_hoursparty##i.sex edulevel age, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent anyoffice sex anysex incumbent c.log_hoursparty##i.sex edulevel age, cluster (T1) lincom anyoffice+anysex tab T1 if e(sample) margins, at(anyoffice=(0 1) sex=(0 1)) marginsplot margins, at(log_hoursparty=(0 (1) 7) sex=(0 1)) marginsplot margins, dydx(anyoffice) at(sex=(0 1)) ********************************************************************************* TABLE 3. THE DETERMINANTS OF VIABLE CANDIDADCY (II)(LOG_LENGHTPO) & FIGURE 1B ********************************************************************************* logit elected_recent sex log_lenghtpo incumbent, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent c.log_lenghtpo##i.sex incumbent, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent log_lenghtpo sex log_lenghtposex incumbent, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent c.log_lenghtpo##i.sex log_hoursparty incumbent, cluster (T1) gen log_lenghtposex=log_lenghtpo*sex logit elected_recent log_lenghtpo sex log_lenghtposex incumbent log_hoursparty, cluster (T1) lincom log_lenghtpo+log_lenghtposex logit elected_recent log_lenghtpo c.log_hoursparty##i.sex incumbent, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent c.log_lenghtpo##i.sex incumbent c.log_hoursparty##i.sex edulevel age, cluster (T1) logit elected_recent log_lenghtpo sex log_lenghtposex incumbent c.log_hoursparty##i.sex edulevel age, cluster (T1) lincom log_lenghtpo+log_lenghtposex gen log_hourspartysex=log_hoursparty*sex logit elected_recent log_lenghtpo sex log_hoursparty log_hourspartysex incumbent c.log_lenghtpo##i.sex edulevel age, cluster (T1) lincom log_hourspartysex+log_hoursparty margins, at(log_lenghtpo=(0 (1) 5) sex=(0 1)) marginsplot margins, dydx(log_lenghtpo) at(sex=(0 1)) ************************************************************************************ Data source: Claveria (2014) - See excel file in www.taniaverge.cat ************************************************************************************ TABLE 4. THE DETERMINANTS OF PORTFOLIO ALLOCATION & FIGURE 2A ************************************************************************************ ***pm=1 discarded since she or he is the top selector in ministerial appointments*** logit portfolio_allocation p_office sex if pm==0, cluster (country) logit portfolio_allocation p_office sex recruitment if pm==0, cluster (country) logit portfolio_allocation i.p_office##i.sex if pm==0, cluster (country) logit portfolio_allocation i.p_office##i.sex recruitment if pm==0, cluster (country) logit portfolio_allocation i.edu i.pol_expertise c.pol_experience i.p_office##i.sex if pm==0, cluster (country) logit portfolio_allocation i.edu i.pol_expertise c.pol_experience i.p_office##i.sex recruitment if pm==0, cluster (country) margins, at(p_office=(0 1) sex=(0 1)) marginsplot margins, dydx(p_office) at(sex=(0 1)) ************************************************************************************* TABLE 5. THE DETERMINANTS OF POST-MINISTERIAL OCCUPATION & FIGURE 2B ************************************************************************************* ***pm=1 discarded since she or he has specific post-tenure options*** logit post_ministerial p_office sex recruitment c.patronage if pm==0, cluster (country) logit post_ministerial i.p_office##i.sex recruitment c.patronage if pm==0, cluster (country) logit post_ministerial i.p_office##i.sex c.pol_experience i.pol_expertise recruitment c.patronage if pm==0, cluster (country) margins, dydx(p_office) at(sex=(0 1)) margins, at(p_office=(0 1)) margins, at(p_office=(0 1) sex=(0 1)) marginsplot