An online learning design platform that allows teachers the creation of blended learning designs (LDs) with the support of data analytics
ILDE2/edCrumble is an online learning design platform that allows teachers the creation of blended learning designs (LDs) with the support of data analytics. ILDE2/edCrumble is built on top of the LdShake platform, which provides social features enabling the sharing and co-edition of LDs. The tool provides an innovative visual representation of LDs combining face-to-face and online learning in different places (in-class and out-of-class) and times (synchronous and asynchronous). Decision making during the LD process is supported by two types of analytics: resulting from the design of the activities sequenced in a timeline (LD analytics); and aggregated meta-data extracted from several grouped LDs (community analytics). Click here to access edCrumble platform.
Main related publications:
Albo, Laia, and Davinia Hernandez-Leo. edCrumble, a data-enriched visual authoring design tool for blended learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (2021). DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2020.3040475
Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). edCrumble: designing for learning with data analytics. Proccedings of the 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Leeds, UK, September 2018,
Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Identifying design principles for learning design tools: the case of edCrumble. Proccedings of the 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Leeds, UK, September 2018,
Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Co-creation process and challenges in the conceptualization and development of the edCrumble learning design tool. CEUR Proccedings of the Workshop on Co-Creation in the Design, Development and Implementation of Technology-Enhanced Learning (CC-TEL'18). Co-located with the 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Leeds, UK, September 2018. Check the online figures of the paper here.