Vés enrere Seminar on Learning design technologies: supporting collective and inclusive approaches

Seminar on Learning design technologies: supporting collective and inclusive approaches



Davinia Hernandez-Leo, from University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, the 6th of March from 14h to 16h, for a conference entitled "Learning design technologies: supporting collective and inclusive approaches". Seminar series on "Dispositions for training teachers in Europe”, Eutopia Connected Research Community (CRC) "Research for inclusive education", CY Cergy Paris University.

She will present how an overview of how the educational technologies research conducted by the TIDE research group of the Information and Communication Technologies Department at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (http://www.upf.edu/web/tide @TIDE_UPF) is involved in reflective and collaborative dispositions for teachers professionnal development. The overview will be articulated around the perspective, central to TIDE work, of supporting teachers and teacher communities in the design of the best possible (technology-enhanced) learning activities considering their students and their contexts. Main research contributions that will be presented include a community platform for integrated learning design (ILDE), including multiple authoring tools and the use of data analytics. A special focus will be put in a case that considers voice inclusive pedagogy, which urges the incorporation of children’s voices within their teaching practice. The case is a customized version of ILDE (BLENDI) which includes an authoring tool that facilitates the co-design of blended learning lesson plans between teachers and students.

Davinia Hernández-Leo is Full Professor at the Department of Information and Communications Technologies Department (DTIC) at UPF, the head of the Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education group (TIDE) and Commissioner for Research in Educational Innovation at UPF. She has published extensively and received several awards, has been Vice-President of the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning, a Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Learning Technologies, and is currently an elected member of the CSCL Committee within the International Society of the Learning Sciences and member of the Steering Committee of the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning. Her research activity is broadly centered on the domain of learning technologies, spanning fields such as learning design technology, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), community platforms, learning analytics, and architectures and devices for learning.



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