Vés enrere Influencer o influenced? Dissenya la xarxa social ideal

Influencer o influenced? Dissenya la xarxa social ideal

Families are an integral part of social media education. Promoting awareness about social media use, risks and threats is essential for digital literacy interventions. The most recent collaboration of Courage Project brings the workshop “Influencer or Influenced? Imagine the social media of the future” conducted at the American Space, Library Ignasi Iglesias-Can Fabra (Barcelona).



 Educating about social media is more than ever necessary. As social interactions have gradually virtualized during the current COVID19 pandemic, most people still need digital self-protection skills. Caring about the digital footprint, toxic behaviours or misinformation are some of the common concerns of young people and their families.


“Influencer or influenced? Imagine the social media of the future” is a digital literacy workshop developed by researchers of the Courage project in collaboration with Cosicosa.tech for the American Space and Libraries from Barcelona. The workshop is addressed to families and their children and takes place every Monday from February 10th to May 10th. As a co-designing workshop, participants will design the social media of the future. We are looking forward to showing the prototypes. 





A partir del 22 de febrer, tots els dilluns, a les 18 h. Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra
Influencer o influenced? Dissenya la xarxa social ideal

Com decideix TikTok quin contingut t’interessa? Ens suggereix el mateix a totes les persones? ¿És Snapchat per a joves i, Facebook per als teus avis? Sap Instagram el que has escrit a WhatsApp? Per què ens importen els likes? A càrrec de Cristina Valero  professora UPF i amb el suport del projecte Courage

Cal inscripció prèvia

Adreçat a noies i nois a partir de 12 anys i a una persona adulta de la família.

Més informació

Totes les activitats presencials estan adaptades a les mesures de seguretat i protecció davant de la covid-19. És obligatori l’ús de la mascareta.



ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
